Compliance and ethics has emerged as a profession requiring a distinct treatment with a DNA of its own. Compliance and ethics Professionals understand that the services we provide require the highest standards of professionalism, morals, and competence.
Let's take this pledge together, to build towards an environment of minimum risks, minimum conflicts and promote ethical business practices. ​
This Code is applicable to all Compliance Professionals and professionals working in the space of Compliance & Ethics, as well as to those who have been duly certified so, by The Compliance and Ethics Academy – Legasis.
Any deviation from the law would cause disorderliness and chaos, thereby resulting in an environment of risks and conflict. And therefore,
I shall ensure to adhere with all the relevant and applicable laws, to the best of my knowledge and ability.
I shall not aid, abet, or participate in any form of misconduct.
I shall strictly refrain from violating any law, rule, regulation, policy, byelaw or any other contractual obligation.
I shall investigate with appropriate due diligence all issues, information, reports, concerns and/or conduct that relates to actual or suspected misconduct, whether past, current, or prospective.
I shall pursue my professional activities, including investigations of misconduct, with honesty, fairness, and utmost diligence.
I shall not aid or abet retaliation against any employee who reports actual, potential, or suspected misconduct, and shall strive to implement procedures that ensure the protection from retaliation of any employee who reports actual, potential, or suspected misconduct.
I shall take care to avoid any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts between the interests of the employing organization and either my own interests or the interests of individuals or organizations outside the employing organization with whom I have a relationship. I must disclose and ethically handle conflicts of interest and must remove significant conflicts whenever possible.
I shall strive towards regularly updating my knowledge and expertise about advancements within the industry, including understanding of current trends, market dynamics, policies, and regulations.
I shall in no manner attempt to falsely damage the professional reputation of other compliance professionals.
Hence, I, as a Compliance Professional, shall be duty-bound under this Code to abide by all the rules, regulations, policies, laws applicable to me in my individual capacity as well as in my professional capacity in true letter and spirit.
Each individual owes duties to the public at large and professionals in-charge of compliance and enforcement owe an even larger duty to the public. And therefore,
I undertake that I shall act in a fair and honest manner.
At no point in time shall I indulge in unfair trade practices, make misrepresentations of material facts and circumstances or manipulate data or any other privileged information.
In order to contribute to the public good, I shall follow the highest standards of ethics in my professional behaviour.
While compliance with legal norms is essential, I shall also adhere to business ethics, values, and morals.
Information is a critical aspect of any business. Preserving, storing, maintaining and regulating access to privileged and unpublished data is key to running a business. And therefore,
I shall maintain absolute and complete confidentiality of any material information in my possession or obtained during the course of my profession.
I shall use the obtained information solely for the purpose stated, and not beyond the agreed time-period.
While availing such information, I shall make sure relevant safeguards and safety measures are taken.
I understand that any information which is not readily available to the public at large constitutes classified confidential information.
Thus, I shall take utmost care to maintain and withhold such information in my possession, which, if otherwise disclosed, may cause disruptions in normal business conduct.
I shall not indulge in the practice of insider trading nor use any propriety information for leverage under any circumstances.
Any form of misuse, tipping, or sharing of confidential information with a third party without obtaining relevant consent stands in contravention to this Code, general laws and business ethics, and I undertake to not resort to any such acts, knowingly or unknowingly.
There is an interface between individual and corporate compliances, whereby individual compliances have an impact on corporate compliances. And therefore,
I shall ensure all requisite compliances including rules, regulations, procedures, disclosures, etc. are duly complied with.
I shall understand and design solutions to ensure that the requisite compliance and other regulatory obligations are being adhered to.
In addition, I undertake the responsibility to report unethical practices, illegal or dishonest conduct or biased behaviour within my professional capacity.
I shall also create, advocate and support a ‘speak-up’ culture in my professional environment and corporate ecosystem.
I shall also encourage individuals to develop faith in reporting incidents of malpractice or inappropriate behaviour, violation of laws or any other form of misconduct they come across.
I shall keep senior management and the highest governing body informed of the status of the compliance programs about and areas of compliance risk.
Each individual is entitled to a free, fair and healthy work environment. And therefore,
I shall make best attempts to instill among individuals, qualities of honesty, empathy, sensitivity and ethical values via activities, trainings or policies.
I shall ensure that the environment of the workplace is not discriminatory, offensive, abusive or hostile.
I shall ensure that any discriminatory, hostile, abusive or offensive behaviour is not condoned and complaints are filed and resolved by an appropriate designated forum.
Ethical culture focuses on values, goals and attitudes practiced by the organization thereby creating an environment that respects humanity, relationships and involves in activities fostering social justice, by making the world a better place to transact.
I understand the importance of an ethical culture and undertake to promote and sustain an ethical culture at the workplace.
I, as a Compliance and Ethics Professional, shall adhere to the above-mentioned clauses and with utmost respect shall duly abide by this Code of Conduct.
By endorsing this Pledge, I further affirm that in discharging my duties, I shall proactively ensure completion of compliance tasks with integrity, honesty, pride and respect. I shall always be committed to the Culture of Compliance at all levels in discharge of my professional obligations.
People have taken the Pledge